Specialty Profile: Geriatric Medicine
Specialty Profile
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In the last year, we have received 47 books in Geriatric Medicine, ranging in price from $19.95 to $345.00, for an average cost of $125.82. The books came from 12 publishers, with the majority coming from Springer, followed by Elsevier, this month’s featured publisher. Doody’s Core Titles 2021 features 19 titles in Geriatric Medicine, with three deemed Essential Purchase Titles and three published by Elsevier, including Ham’s Primary Care Geriatrics: A Case-Based Approach, 7th Edition, Warshaw (2022), Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8th Edition, Fillit (2017), and Screening and Prevention in Geriatric Medicine, Cayea (2018).  

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