Heather Laferriere, MLIS 
Health Sciences Informationist 
Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Biomedical Library and Learning Center 
Vanderbilt University 


The Neurosurgical Atlas is a comprehensive and interactive resource that provides a variety of multimedia content designed to enhance and reinforce the skills of neurosurgeons. This resource was founded by Aaron Cohen-Gadol, MD, with the purpose of helping patients that suffer from neurological conditions and improving health outcomes.1 Behind the Neurosurgical Atlas name is also a nonprofit foundation committed to advancing surgical technologies, education, and research.2 


With an extensive library of materials detailing advanced neurosurgical and microneurosurgical techniques, Neurosurgical … read more

Cynthia Flanagan, MLIS 
Clinical Medical Librarian 
Health Sciences Library 
University of Missouri Kansas City 

Editor’s note: This month, we are celebrating Cindi Flanagan, who has served as a Librarian Selector for Doody’s Core Titles since 2019. 

Where do you currently work and what is your position? 

I currently work at the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) Health Sciences Library as a Clinical Medical Librarian (CML). 

Provide a brief description of your library and its services. 

Our library supports the professional Schools of Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, and the Health Sciences degree programs at UMKC. We also have an inpatient rounding service at our affiliated hospital that allows CMLs to attend hospital rounds with medical students to provide … read more

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Racism: Science and Tools for the Public Health Professional, 2nd edition, enables public health professionals to address the health impacts of racism. This vital title resource also responds to the watershed events of the past five years: the COVID-19 pandemic and its intersection with overt forms of racism across all socioecological levels, the 2020 murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and the unprecedented domestic and global movements toward racial justice that transpired, and other major global events. 

The chapters in this edition of Racism provide concrete, timely guidance on how to plan, develop, and implement interventions, pursue policy change, and conduct research on racism as a public health problem. Practitioners will gain a historical view of the decades-long fight for racial health equity and learn how to move beyond merely documenting inequities and toward addressing their root causes. 

Like the social justice movements that characterize this era, Racism unapologetically centers on marginalized communities and calls for new approaches to public health work on racism — ones rooted not only in science, but also in empathy. This book is suitable for public health professionals, as well as professors and students. 

For more information:

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This book examines women’s behavioral health (defined as alcohol, drug use, and mental health) problems from a population or public health perspective. It provides the current state of knowledge for women’s behavioral health and examines the need for behavioral health services and implications for policy. It also reviews major issues in the organization, financing, and provision of women’s behavioral health services. 

For more information:

This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2018. You can read the original profile here.   

The Joint Commission is an independent, not-for-profit organization, as well as the oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in U.S. health care. Joint Commission Resources … read more

Going all the way back to Doody’s inception, we’ve received 976 titles in Complementary and Integrative Health from numerous publishers. These titles range in price from $0 to $637.75, with an average cost of $98.02. Doody’s Core Titles 2024 features 16 Complementary and Integrative Health titles, including five Essential Purchase Titles such as Integrative Medicine, 5th Edition (Elsevier, 2023) and Textbook of Natural Medicine – 2 Volume Set, … read more

Paul Ratté, ND 
Associate Professor 
Northwestern Health Sciences University 

Dr. Paul Ratté has been a Doody’s Review Service book reviewer since 2016. He currently reviews complementary and integrative health titles under Editorial Review Group Chairs Susan Vossberg and previously under read more

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