Editorial Review Group Chair: Janice M. Phillips, MS, PhD, RN
Editorial Review Group Chair
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Director, Nursing Research and Health Equity
Rush University Medical Center
Associate Professor
Rush University College of Nursing

In September 2018, Dr. Janice Phillips approached us about reviewing books and suggested a different way of organizing the review process. Instead of taking on the role of Editorial Review Group Chair in one specialty, she would gather a group of nurse scholars who had a wide range of expertise and interests and could review books in a variety of specialties, including Health Care Administration and Informatics, among others. Since then, we have sent 94 books out to 29 of those reviewers and we have received 70 completed reviews.

Dr. Phillips is an experienced clinician, researcher, educator, and public policy advocate in the healthcare arena who completed service as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow, working in the office of Senator John D. Rockefeller IV. With specialties spanning oncology, public health, women’s health, healthcare disparities, and research administration, Phillips is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award from the University of Chicago Medical Center and the Nursing Spectrum’s “Advancing and Leading the Profession Award.” Dr. Phillips is the author of more than 100 publications, four edited textbooks, and a health policy column.

She is the director of nursing research and health equity at Rush University Medical Center and an associate professor in the College of Nursing. Dr. Phillips holds a Bachelor of Science in nursing from North Park College, a Master of Science in community health from St. Xavier College, and a PhD in nursing from the University of Illinois College of Nursing. She is a member of numerous professional organizations. In 2019, Dr. Phillips was appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to serve as a member of the National Council on Nursing Practice and Education, the federal nursing advisory council to the Secretary and Congress.

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