No Comments on A Review of DynaMed Plus 1947
Shalu Gillum, JD, MLS, AHIP
Head of Public Services
Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library
University of Central Florida College of Medicine
DynaMed Plus is an evidence-based clinical information resource from EBSCO Health. It contains overviews on a variety of topics, with summaries and recommendations that are reviewed by clinical experts on an editorial team. DynaMed Plus gives recommended actions based on the most current evidence, and recommendations are based on levels of evidence as defined by the DynaMed Plus editorial team. The database is intended for clinicians, physicians, and trainees including medical students and residents.
DynaMed Plus covers a variety of specialties, including allergy, cardiology, critical care, hematology, infectious diseases, psychiatry, rheumatology, surgery, vascular medicine, and others. The database also contains over 4,700 medical graphics and images, many of which come from the American College of Physicians. Images are embedded within the topics in the database, and include tables, clinical pictures, radiological images, illustrations, microscopic images, and algorithms.1
Drug information is built in and is provided by Micromedex Standard Drug Information. Drug information in DynaMed Plus covers “dosage, therapeutic use, cautions, comparative efficacy, approved and off-label indications, pharmacokinetics, clinical applications, and interactions of medications,” as well as interactions and lab recommendations.2
Features and Functionality
One of the advantages of DynaMed Plus over other similar products is that it is updated daily. In fact, according to DynaMed Plus, new evidence is added to their database multiple times every day, providing users with the most current information.3 DynaMed Plus editors review medical journals daily in order to evaluate their relevance and validity, and content is added to the DynaMed Plus database accordingly.3
The most sought-after feature of DynaMed Plus, and what sets it apart from its direct competitors, is its levels of evidence. All content submitted to DynaMed plus is critically appraised by editors trained in critical appraisal.4 Conclusions are then labeled as either level 1, 2 or 3 as follows: Level 1 indicates that conclusions are likely reliable, i.e., the conclusions are based on evidence where “sound research findings” meet criteria that support reliability; level 2 or mid-level evidence, which uses some scientific evidence but does not rise to the quality of level 1 evidence; and level 3, which indicates conclusions lacking direct evidence, and “represents reports that are not based on scientific analysis of clinical outcomes,” such as case series, case reports, expert opinion, and “conclusions extrapolated indirectly from scientific studies.”4
In terms of functionality, the DynaMed Plus homepage is easy on the eyes and just as easy to use. It prominently features a Google-style search bar into which search terms are typed. As users type, suggested search terms are displayed and users can either directly “Go To” a particular topic or use the “Search” to search for a particular term(s). The homepage also features recent updates to the database, some as recent as that day, along with some featured entries under “Spotlight.” The home screen also features a link to several different calculators.
Each entry contains an overview and recommendations, along with diagnosis and treatment information, history and physical guidelines, patient information, and much more. References are cited within the entry, and are also listed at the bottom.
Subscriptions and Access
DynaMed Plus is available through a variety of platforms. The most common way of accessing the database for libraries is through an institutional subscription, whereby all users have access to DynaMed Plus on-site, via their own mobile device, remotely, and through an EHR. Individual subscriptions are also available, and provide online and mobile access.
DynaMed Plus is compliant with several Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration systems and contains updated ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. The database also offers COUNTER reports. DynaMed Plus is available via the DynaMed Plus mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. A benefit of using the DynaMed Plus mobile app, especially for medical students at clinical locations, is that the data, once downloaded, is self-contained and accessing it does not require a WiFi connection.
DynaMed Plus is the ultimate go-to resource for answering clinical questions. With its daily updates, self-contained and robust content including images and drug information, and evidence-based levels of evidence, DynaMed Plus is undeniably a valuable resource for physicians, residents, and medical students alike.
1. EBSCO Industries Inc. Graphics & Images. 2017; http://www.dynamed.com/home/features/graphics-images. Accessed March 1, 2017.
2. EBSCO Industries Inc. Drug Content. 2017; http://www.dynamed.com/home/features/drug-content. Accessed March 1, 2017.
3. EBSCO Industries Inc. Updated Daily. 2017; http://www.dynamed.com/home/benefits/current. Accessed March 1, 2017.
4. EBSCO Industries Inc. Levels of Evidence. 2017; http://www.dynamed.com/home/content/levels-of-evidence.
Accessed March 1, 2017.
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