No Comments on Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management, Sixth Edition 331
ISBN: 9781584264750
Price: $89.95
Patricia L. Shaw, MEd, RHIA, FAHIMA
Darcy Carter, MHA, RHIA
Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management covers trends in healthcare quality control and performance. It presents a comprehensive introduction to the theory, practice, and management of performance and quality improvement processes in healthcare organizations.
Parts I and II are intended for use by students in technology-level health professions programs of all kinds and provide a basic background in performance improvement (PI) philosophy and methodology for healthcare today. Students will gain hands-on practice applying the analytical and graphic tools used in performance and quality improvement. Part III is intended for use by students in management-level programs in the health services with chapters focusing on the issues inherent in the management of quality and PI programs in healthcare.
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