Specialty Profile: Black Communities & Health 
Specialty Profile
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This month’s specialty profile on Black Communities & Health represents the third issue of the fourth volume in our Doody’s Special Topics Lists series. 

Jumping off from our last DSTL on Trust & Distrust in Health Care and our inaugural Health Equity DSTL in 2020, creating a list of books focused exclusively on Black communities and their interactions with health and health care became imperative. Historically, Black communities in North America have faced a disproportionate amount of racism in health and medicine. This list takes root in an historical approach by collocating titles that trace the social and political determinants of Black health throughout time. Books on this list take many approaches, some more narrative and personal, while others adopt a clinical lens. It is our hope that this list promotes a wide selection of voices that will help librarians offer clinically relevant, community-based works on health of Black people and communities. 

This Doody’s Special Topics List comprises 58 titles collected from 31 publishers. The prices of these titles range from $14.99 to $221.99, with an average cost of $59.39.  

Doody’s Review Service subscribers can access the list by clicking  here and logging in. Doody’s Core Titles customers can view the list by clicking  here to log in. Readers may also be able to access the list through one of our licensing partners: EBSCO, GOBI, Rittenhouse, Matthews, Ovid, ProQuest, or Login Canada. For help getting access, please contact Customer Service. Stay tuned for the next issue of Doody’s Special Topics Lists, which is due to be released in July 2024. 

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