Ace your shelf exams and USMLE Step 2 CK and Step 3!
Product Highlight
February 27, 2024
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Designed by the leading educators behind the popular online resource Boards and Beyond, White Coat Companion provides succinct content in a way that helps you build your clinical knowledge. Covering key information about internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, OB-GYN, surgery, and neurology, this is an effective resource for quick review, note taking, and deeper studying.
White Coat Companion is the most up-to-date text of its kind and is the perfect companion for anyone going through core clinical clerkships. The book features:
- 50+ new, high-yield images and figures
- Updates reflect guideline updates and new clinical evidence
- Improved index and table of contents facilitate easy searching
- High-yield tables and algorithms
- Organized by both organ system and relevant clerkship

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