Publisher Profile: American Society for Microbiology Press
Publisher Profile
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This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2016. You can read the original profile here. 

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is a professional life science organization dedicated to promoting and advancing microbial sciences around the world. With the help of Wiley, ASM Press publishes several peer-reviewed journals as well as hundreds of books for the scientific community. ASM’s publishing arm has made it a trusted source of basic, clinical, and applied microbiology research.  

ASM Press has been a participating publisher in Doody’s Review Service since 1994 and continues to collaborate with us today. Since our last profile, we’ve received nearly 30 ASM Press titles. There are currently seven ASM books featured in Doody’s Core Titles 2023, including new editions such as Manual of Clinical Microbiology – 4 Volume Set, 13th Edition, Carroll (2023) and Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook – 5 Volume Set, 5th Edition, Leber (2023). 

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