Publisher Profile: Grey House Publishing 
Publisher Profile
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This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2017. You can read the original profile here. 

Since launching their first directory in 1981, Grey House Publishing has published over 200 titles, including countless annual and semi-annual directories and reference books. Grey House offers their directory data in fully searchable online databases, and most of their references and encyclopedias are available as ebooks. 

Grey House became a participating publisher with Doody’s Review Service in 2002. Since our last profile in 2017, we’ve received 39 of their titles and have published reviews for 15 of them. Currently, Salem Health: Integrative, Alternative and Complementary Medicine – 4 Volume Set, 2nd Edition, Moglia (Grey House, 2020) is included in Doody’s Core Titles 2023

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