Publisher Profile: Optometric Extension Program Foundation
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The Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEPF) is an international organization, founded in 1928, dedicated to the advancement of the discipline of optometry through the gathering and dissemination of information on vision and the visual process. It fulfills its mission to advance human progress through research and education on vision, the visual process, and clinical care by providing access to instruments, equipment, publications, and materials supportive of the discipline of optometry. 

OEPF is a new publishing partner of Doody’s Review Service. In December 2020, we received three titles. A review of Visual Assessment in the Elderly: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Bonci (OEPF, 2017) has been published, while The Power of Lenses – Volume 1 (OEPF, 2018), by Doody’s Optometry Editorial Chair Dr. Marc Taub, is pending review. Optometric Management of Learning-Related Vision Disorders, 2nd Edition, Scheiman and Rouse (OEPF, 2013) appears on the Doody’s Core Titles Optometry list.  

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