Publisher Profile: F.A. Davis Company
Publisher Profile
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In an era of mergers and acquisitions, F. A. Davis remains as it started 140 years ago — an independent, family-owned publisher of educational resources for the nursing and health science professions. Headquartered in Philadelphia, where it was founded in 1879 by Frank Allston Davis, the company is now helmed by Robert H. Craven, Jr. Today, F.A. Davis serves its customers with digital, print, and online products.

We are delighted to welcome F.A. Davis back as a participating publisher this year after a hiatus of almost 13 years. One of our original participating publishers, F.A. Davis began sending us its titles when we first opened our doors in 1993 and ceased in 2006. Since reconnecting in February of this year, F.A. Davis has sent us 35 titles and we have already published nine reviews and have received an additional seven, which will be published shortly. The just-published Doody’s Core Titles 2019 features 23 F.A. Davis titles, and three of those were selected as Essential Purchase Titles.

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