Annual Reviews launches an innovative program to transition journals to open access in 2020.
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Subscribe to Open (S2O) uses existing library relationships and subscription purchases to convert gated access journals to open access (OA). If all 2019 subscribing libraries participate, Annual Reviews guarantees that the 2020 volume of five journals will be published OA, with CC BY licenses, and all back volumes will be made freely available. If the program is successful, Annual Reviews will expand the offering to other journals across our portfolio in future years.

<span style=”color: #336699; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;”>For more information: <a title=”Annual Reviews” onclick=”countDcdmProductPlacement(‘4187’, ‘2’);” href=”” target=”_blank”><img alt=”” src=”” align=”middle” border=”0″ /></a></span><code><!–<script type=”text/javascript”>// <![CDATA[countDcdmProductPlacement(“4187”, “1”);// ]]></script>–></code>

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