Publisher Profile: Handspring Publishing
Publisher Profile
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Founded in 2011, Handspring Publishing is a U.K. publisher that focuses on the entire range of bodywork and manual therapies, including movement, with books for professionals in these disciplines – teachers, therapists, and the trainers who run courses for them – and on basic science subjects (e.g. anatomy) relevant to these areas. Among the areas they publish in are osteopathy, massage therapy, chiropractic, mind-body therapies, acupuncture, yoga, and sports and fitness training. The principals of Handspring Publishing bring to bear over 100 years of editorial experience among them to produce books that are designed to meet the needs of students and clinicians.

Handspring Publishing became a participating publisher in Doody’s Review Service in 2015, shortly before Anne Mackereth started as Editorial Review Group Chair. We have received 32 of their titles and we have published reviews of 24 of them.

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