Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy
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Author(s): Syed A Hoda MD,Paul P Rosen MD,Edi Brogi MD, PHD,Frederick C Koerner MD

ISBN/ISSN    9781496307255
Publication Date      January 31, 2017

Accurately identify the full range of clinical and pathological entities with Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy, Fourth Edition! With guidance from the same trusted authorities responsible for the esteemed clinical reference, Rosen’s Breast Pathology, you’ll gain masterful insights on how to confidently meet diagnostic challenges on needle core biopsy material. These challenges are summarized in the three maxims stated by Dr Paul Peter Rosen in the Preface to the First Edition of this book, and which continue to relevant today: 1. Anything can turn up. 2. What you see is what you have. It may not be all there is. 3. What you see may be all there is. The pathologist must always keep these precepts in mind when offering a diagnosis based on limited material in needle core biopsy samples. This book will serve as a complete guide to interpreting this material. Furthermore, the reader will:

  • Discern subtle features that point to a conclusive diagnosis thanks to complete, richly illustrated coverage of both common and uncommon needle core biopsy findings.
  • Compare your findings to a treasury of outstanding illustrations that capture the telltale appearance of each lesion.
  • Apply the latest knowledge in the field with completely revised content throughout — including cutting-edge information on molecular pathology; updated information on specimen handling and ancillary testing; current treatment and management recommendations; citations to latest reference sources; and much more.
  • Correlate pathological, radiological, and clinical findings to reach the most informed diagnoses.


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