Publisher Profile: ASHP
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Although founded in 1942 as the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, ASHP actually had its start in 1936 as a subsection of the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA), an organization whose beginnings go back almost a century earlier. In 1947, ASHP and APhA jointly established a hospital pharmacy division with permanent staffing. Since then, ASHP has progressed from 153 charter members to more than 40,000 today. In 1995, ASHP changed its name to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists to reflect the changes in the hospital industry, including consolidation of facilities and diversification beyond inpatient care into ambulatory care and home care. The publications arm of ASHP publishes a wide variety of clinical and management references, textbooks, online products, and video training programs, in addition to its journal.

ASHP became a participating publisher in Doody’s Review Service in 1994 and has sent us 176 of its titles since then. We’ve received eight ASHP titles in the past year and have published reviews of seven of them. Doody’s Core Titles 2016 features seven ASHP titles, three of which were selected as Essential Purchases.

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