Publisher Profile: Health Administration Press
Publisher Profile
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As the publishing arm of the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), Health Administration Press (HAP) has focused solely on publishing books and journals on healthcare management, serving the information needs of the 40,000 ACHE members who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations for more than 40 years.

As part of its book publishing program, HAP collaborates with the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) to publish textbooks under the AUPHA/HAP imprint. AUPHA is a global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals, and organizations dedicated to improving health by promoting excellence in healthcare management education. It is the leading organization specifically designed to meet the needs of educators in health administration. AUPHA/HAP is the imprint for leading textbooks for academic courses in healthcare management. A national editorial board reviews and accepts manuscripts for publication under the AUPHA/HAP imprint.

HAP began as a participating publisher in 1995, just two years after Doody’s Review Service began. Since then HAP has sent 266 titles to Doody’s, with expert reviews now published on 135 of them, with four reviews still pending. Over the last 12 months, HAP has sent 22 titles to Doody’s, with 11 of them designated for review and 7 of the reviews already published. Prices on these most recent titles range from $48 – $132.

Remarkably the 2015 edition of Doody’s Core Titles (DCT) features fifteen HAP titles, seven of which are Essential Purchase Titles and eight of which are newly selected for the 2015 edition of DCT.

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