Publisher Profile: Springer
Publisher Profile
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Springer has a vast publishing program in science, technology, and medicine, focused mainly on monographs. In the last year alone, we’ve received over 900 titles from Springer or its imprint, Humana Press, in 78 specialties in the basic sciences, clinical medicine, and allied health fields, but fully one-quarter of the titles covered topics in the many surgery specialties. Over 400 titles have been designated for review and, so far, reviews of almost 280 titles have appeared in Doody’s Review Service. The just published Doody’s Core Titles 2014 features 179 titles from Springer and Humana Press. Of those, librarians selected 18 as Essential Purchases for a small medical library, including the seventh edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, which was deemed essential for both a Hematology/Oncology and an Oncologic Surgery collection. Springer makes most of its titles available as ebooks, and many are also available digitally from our ebook vendors.

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