Editorial Review Group Chair Profile: DeMonica Junious, PhD, RN, CNE 
Editorial Review Group Chair
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DeMonica L. Junious, PhD, RN, CNE 
Assistant Professor and Track Coordinator 
Executive Nurse Leader Program (Interim) 
University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing Graduate Studies 

Dr. DeMonica Junious is one of Doody’s newest Editorial Review Group Chairs and has been in her role overseeing the Nursing Administration, Management, and Leadership review group since April 2024. Prior to, Dr. Junious served as a reviewer for her predecessor, Dr. J. Michael Leger, and completed seven book reviews from 2021 to 2023. Under Dr. Junious’ leadership, all 32 titles her group has received thus far have been assigned to qualified reviewers and over half of those have had reviews submitted and published to date. 

Dr. DeMonica Latrice Junious is an Assistant Professor and Interim, Executive Nurse Leader Track Coordinator in the Graduate Studies Department at The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), School of Nursing in Galveston, Texas. She is a native Houstonian with 25+capacities.  

Dr. Junious has a clinical background in medical surgical nursing, telemetry, professional school nursing, and hemodialysis. She has served as a Clinical and Program Director in both healthcare organizations and academic settings. With a true passion for academic nursing and leadership, Dr. Junious has mentored nursing students at the Associate of Applied Science, Accelerated Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and the Doctor of Philosophy Degree levels. She has served as a dissertation and capstone committee member for students completing dissertations and other professional projects. 

Dr. Junious received a BSN and MSEd with a concentration in Health Education from Prairie View A&M University, a Post Master’s Certificate in Nursing Leadership and Administration from The University of Texas-Health Science Center – Houston Campus, and a PhD in Nursing Science from Texas Woman’s University, Health Science Center Houston. Since 2007, Dr. Junious has carried the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) credential, which demonstrates excellence in nursing education.  

Dr. Junious has published manuscripts and presented oral and poster presentations that have reached local, regional, national, and international audiences. Topics presented have ranged from the areas of professional school nurse job satisfaction, foreign born nursing student stress, and perceived faculty support to leadership, simulation, succession planning. Her work has also addressed issues affecting the academic nursing environment, specifically in relation to African American nurse educator experiences with imposter syndrome and the underrepresentation of African American nurse educators. 

Prior to her appointment as Editorial Review Group Chair, Dr. Junious served as a textbook reviewer for Doody’s Enterprises, Inc. under the purview of Dr. J. Michael Leger. While she finds the coordination and review of textbooks appealing for several reasons, the motivation that stands out most is the ability to contribute to the growth of nursing by providing access to high quality resources that support impactful learning outcomes. 

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