Publisher Profile: IGI Global 
Publisher Profile
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This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2017. You can read the original profile here. 

IGI Global is an independent, international academic publisher, with a focus on publishing peer-reviewed research in three major areas: Business & Management; Scientific, Technical, and Medical (STM); and Education. IGI Global anticipates publishing over 1,000 books in 2025. They also have an Open Access program that hosts more than 200 fully open access journals. 

IGI Global has been a participating publisher since 2008. Since our last profile, they have sent us 171 titles. Of those titles, we’ve published reviews for 72 of them. Five IGI Global titles land on Doody’s Core Titles 2024, including well-reviewed titles such as Mental Health Intervention and Treatment of First Responders and Emergency Workers, Bowers (IGI Global, 2020) and Gender Equity in the Medical Profession, Bellini (IGI Global, 2020). 

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