Publisher Profile: National Academies Press 
Publisher Profile
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This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2022. You can read the original profile here. 

National Academies Press (NAP) is the publishing arm of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, a nonprofit group of institutions that provides complex analysis and expert advice to numerous challenges in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine. National Academies Press produces over 200 publications each year. These publications cover a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine while also providing authoritative solutions on important matters in science and health policy. 

Since our previous profile, NAP has sent us 21 titles, and 14 of them have been reviewed. Nine NAP titles appear on Doody’s Core Titles 2023. Most of these titles are new selections, including an Essential Purchase Title, The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality: Honoring Our Commitment to Residents, Families, and Staff (NAP, 2022). 

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