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This month’s specialty profile, on Health Insurance & the Cost of Health Care, is based on the third issue in the second volume of Doody’s Special Topics List, our complimentary catalog for Doody’s Core Titles and Doody’s Review Service subscribers.
Healthcare is a hot button topic among policymakers, healthcare organizations, and consumers alike. The costs of health insurance and medical services are a constant source of consternation. Despite its prominence in the zeitgeist, healthcare and its intricacies remain elusive to many. This list strives to identify resources that provide historical and contemporary context for health delivery systems in the United States and beyond, and covers such topics as comparative health policy, healthcare budgeting, healthcare reform, and health insurance literacy, among others. Selectors for Doody’s Special Topics List were tasked with choosing appropriate titles for library collections focused on health insurance materials. The goal is to help librarians enhance their collections to better serve their users wishing to understand the myriad costs of healthcare and the different systems in place to deliver it.
Selected by librarians with expertise and interest in health insurance literacy and policy, the list is composed of 62 titles from 22 publishers with copyright dates ranging from 2006 to 2023. The prices of the titles range from $14.99 to $395.00, for an average cost of $83.46. Doody’s Review Service features expert reviews of 27 of them.
Doody’s Review Service subscribers can access the list by clicking here and logging in. Doody’s Core Titles customers can view the list by clicking here to log in. Readers also may be able to access the list through one of our licensing partners: EBSCO, Rittenhouse, Matthews, Ovid, ProQuest, or Login Canada. For help getting access, please contact Customer Service. We are excited to begin work on the next issue of Doody’s Special Topics Lists, due out in July 2022, which will focus on climate change and its effects on health.
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