Review Update: Pediatric Care Online
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Rachel M. Oleaga, MLS 
Northern Essex Community College  

This is an update of a review I wrote that was published in the June 2016 issue of Doody’s Collection Development Monthly ( and updated in November 2018 ( 

Pediatric Care Online (PCO) is a subscription-based web portal containing peer-reviewed pediatric resources edited and maintained by the American Academy of Pediatrics. PCO is composed of several collections of information organized by function, including point-of-care quick reference, well-child resources, policy, pediatric drug lookup, and multimedia, along with full electronic access to the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care and Red Book Online. 

Content Updates 

New content in Pediatric Care Online is added on a regular basis, and content is updated frequently. Notable content updates include the addition of six new chapters and update of 38 chapters in the AAP Textbook of Pediatric CareRed Book Online additions and updates; news articles; AAP policy decisions, statements, and reports; along with additional images added to the visual library.  

COVID-19 and broader infectious disease related content has been prominently featured and is updated on a continuing basis. A new report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases was added to Red Book Online (RBO), along with a section of RBO Outbreaks, which actively tracks infectious disease outbreaks in the United States. Vaccine status tables are also current and updated frequently.   

Pediatric Patient Education handouts are continually updated and revised, with an even greater amount translated into 12 languages. A new collection of Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice was also recently added, providing an additional 280 patient education handouts.  

Six free webinars based on new AAP clinical guidelines, policy statements, and clinical reports are added to PCO annually, a great resource for professional development. Prior year webinars are archived for access as well.  


Search functionality has evolved to include the TrendMD widget, which shows related and recommended articles based on search terms across multiple platforms. The quickest way to retrieve information is via the search bar, but all information is accessible from the main landing page (the homepage, top navigation menu, and footer links), which optimizes based on the device used to view it.  

There is a free app available for both Apple and Android devices, but a subscription login is required to access content. Internet access is also necessary in order to access Pediatric Care Online content.  

Training videos and a help page provide ample information for training those new to the PCO interface on the easiest navigation methods.  

Business Model 

The business model of PCO remains the same. There are three subscription options: individual, group practice, and institutional. An inquiry form at the site ( can be used to determine the most practical type of subscription based on need, location, and use. Individual subscriptions can be purchased online at Shop AAP (; however, group practice and institutional level subscriptions require contact with an AAP subscription agent.    


Pediatric Care Online continues to provide a robust and evolving collection of current, evidence-based pediatric medical information accessible electronically on a variety of devices. The functionality of the portal and continual expansion of relevant and evolving information and resource types supports its value as an important informational tool in a pediatric clinical environment. While not suitable for all library users, pediatric clinicians in training and medical students may benefit from familiarity with the Pediatric Care Online portal and tools for use on clinical rotations, with its integration to electronic health records and ability to inform clinical decisions.  

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