Specialty Profile: Anatomy/Embryology
Specialty Profile
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Since last year, we have received 15 titles in the specialty of Anatomy/Embryology from seven publishers. During that time, we have received seven reviews, with six out for review. The books range in price from $31.99 to $225.00, for an average cost of $100.24. Published last month, Doody’s Core Titles 2020 features 19 titles in Anatomy/Embryology from four different publishers, with Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer accounting for 16 titles. Five of those titles have been selected by librarians as Essential Purchase titles, including Atlas of Anatomy, 4th edition, Gilroy et al. (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2020), which is co-authored by our Editorial Review Group Chair for Anatomy/Embryology, Dr. Brian MacPherson.

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