A Review of the Penn State University Press Graphic Medicine Series
Featured Article July 28, 2020Matthew Noe, MLSLead Collection & Knowledge Management Librarian Countway Library Harvard Medical
Matthew Noe, MLSLead Collection & Knowledge Management Librarian Countway Library Harvard Medical
Sarah L. Carnes, MLIS, AHIP Clinical Librarian/Acting Emergency Manager Bedford VA Medical Center Editor’s
Lauren Fletcher, MLIS, MAAssistant Professor/Research & Instruction LibrarianRowland Medical LibraryUniversity
Editor’s note: The health sciences librarians and healthcare professionals we work with are responding
Mangala Krishnamurthy, MLIS, AHIPAssociate Professor/Reference Librarian Rodgers Library for Science
Editor’s note: The health sciences librarians and healthcare professionals we work with are on the
Jessica Koos, MLS, MSEd, AHIPHealth Sciences LibrarianHealth Sciences Library Stony Brook University
I am grateful to announce the publication of the 2020 edition of Doody’s Core Titles® (DCT 2020) on
J. Michael Lindsay, MSIS, MBA Head of Collections & Access Services Preston Medical Library University
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