No Comments on Review Update: Sigma Repository 67
Cotton Coslett, MLIS
Online Learning Librarian
Nursing & Public Health Liaison
California State University, Fullerton
This is an update of a review published in the April 2022 issue of Doody’s Collection Development Monthly. You can find the original review here.
The Sigma Repository (formerly the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-repository) is an open database of gray literature provided by the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. It is intended for use by the nursing community, nursing students in particular, as a free source of information on nursing topics. Since it was last reviewed, the website has undergone a substantial redesign.
This repository includes a variety of full-text nursing research, educational, and evidence-based nursing materials in a variety of formats and resource types, including conference posters, dissertations, white papers, and journal articles. All materials are available in full. This service is also used as the repository for the Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society and includes slides and videos of presentations given at past research events, congresses, and webinars. These materials all keep with the purpose and intent of the website. While these materials might be housed in other places, this repository offers a unique window into nursing research that can be accessed and used freely.
Since it was last reviewed, the repository has continued to add to its substantial collection of materials. This content is arranged into different communities: “Electronic Theses and Dissertations,” “Open Dissemination Materials,” “Previously Published Materials,” and “Sigma.” Each of these communities is further broken down into specific collections and sub-communities. The materials are primarily in PDF format and can be downloaded directly from the site.
The site’s redesign has streamlined the content in a way that is easier to browse. In addition to having fewer communities, they are now listed in an expandable list to allow for quicker perusal. Additionally, there is an added function for searching by author or discipline. While the overall redesign makes browsing easier, the search function has been diminished somewhat. While users can still search by the usual criteria (e.g., Title, Author, Subject, Abstract, Institution), the more advanced search options, such as searching by LCSH, MeSH, degree level of author, or author advisor, are no longer available.
There are other improvements to the site, however. The option to subscribe to certain topics or collections via RSS is now available. There is also a vastly improved FAQ for guidance on how to submit material to the repository, as well as what types of materials are accepted. More added features include “Top 10 Articles,” “Paper of the Day,” a list of recent submissions, and a world map showing from where the site has been accessed. This repository is well-maintained and archived, as well as easy to navigate.
Business Model
As an open-access resource, the materials of the Sigma Repository are freely accessible to anyone with an internet connection. The Sigma Repository does not have a business model, and there is no pricing or subscriptions. In addition to being free to access, the repository is also free to submit material to, with no article processing charges. There is ample support and guidance for any authors wishing to submit materials to the repository.
The Sigma Repository remains a free and open resource serving the nursing community. Its large collection of articles, dissertations, posters, and presentations allows nursing students and early career nurses to develop professionally as well as providing examples of scholarship. The repository also offers an opportunity to disseminate one’s research and familiarize oneself with the publishing process. Nursing librarians should also use this resource and direct their students to this helpful site. The Sigma Repository continues to serve as a vital resource for the scholarly nursing community.
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