Celebrating National Medical Librarians Month 
LBA Profile/CaseStudy
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Each month, we take a moment to highlight the invaluable contributions of one of the hundreds of librarians who enrich Doody’s editorial content. Whether serving as a Board member, a DCT Librarian Selector, or a reviewer, we couldn’t fulfill our mission without the steadfast support of health sciences librarians from around the globe. 

In honor of National Medical Librarians Month, we want to take a step back from our usual spotlight to celebrate the myriad ways librarians elevate our work at Doody’s. 

Leadership Roles: Guiding Our Mission 

Our Library Board of Advisors offers critical insights and strategic direction for our products and services. As our longest-standing leadership group, they have played an essential role in shaping key publications, including the Doody’s Collection Development Monthly you’re reading right now. 

Formed most recently, our Doody’s Special Topics Lists (DSTL) Editorial Board has breathed life into what started as a small initiative and has become a multi-volume series. They oversee our latest initiative, the DSTLs, which are high-impact, timely book lists focused on interdisciplinary topics, published quarterly. This Board is instrumental in selecting relevant topics and nominating outstanding librarians to serve as List Selectors. 

Editorial Roles: Sharing Knowledge and Expertise 

In our Doody’s Core Titles monthly newsletter, librarians share fresh articles covering a wide range of topics in health sciences librarianship. Additionally, librarians contribute their expertise by reviewing digital resources for Doody’s Collection Development Monthly. Beyond these vital roles, they also write marketing case studies for DCDM and serve as book reviewers for Doody’s Review Service. These editorial contributions are what we like to call pieces “by librarians, for librarians.” 

Collection Development Roles: Curating Quality Resources 

Doody’s is synonymous with health sciences collection development, and it’s driven by the passion of hundreds of librarians. These dedicated professionals are the backbone of our critical book lists, including the annual Doody’s Core Titles list and our quarterly Doody’s Special Topics Lists. Their expertise ensures that our lists reflect the most relevant and authoritative resources, empowering librarians to make informed collection development decisions efficiently and effectively. 

A Heartfelt Thank You 

This month, we celebrate the extraordinary contributions of the many librarians who have helped Doody’s become a trusted resource in health sciences information for over 31 years. A heartfelt thank you to the vibrant medical library community that has embraced us and generously shared their time and expertise. 

As we look to the future, we invite you, our readers, to explore how you can get involved and help shape the next chapter of our journey together. Discover more about our opportunities and express your interest here: https://www.doodyenterprises.net/get-involved

Together, let’s continue to enhance the health information landscape! 

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