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Anna Helm, MPH
Multnomah County Health Department
Anna Helm has been a reviewer for Doody’s Review Service since 2019. Public Health is one of our largest specialty groups and Anna has made a solid impact on reviewing titles under our Public Health ERG chair, Dr. Barbara Anderson. Anna has reviewed 27 Public Health titles, including a new title in Doody’s Core Titles 2023, Field Guide to Global Health and Disaster Medicine, Chambers (Elsevier, 2022).
Anna began her career in public health in a small rural county health department. From there, she moved on to the state health division. Anna retired from the largest county health department in the state and obtained her MPH mid-career. Her primary area of interest has always been enteric diseases, especially in congregate environments such as childcare, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Anna feels very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the Sudan and Bangladesh. In both situations, she was responsible for managing the public health programs in refugee camps. Anna currently volunteers as a certified long-term care ombudsman and sits on the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Consumer Voice Leadership Council.
Anna remarks that the books she reviews for Doody’s Review Service are a great source of new and interesting information, offering multiple perspectives and challenging her to be open to different methods of problem-solving.
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