No Comments on Review Update: DynaMed 173
Shalu Gillum, JD, MLS, D-AHIP
Head of Public Services
Associate Medical Librarian
Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library
University of Central Florida College of Medicine
This is an update of a review I wrote that was published in the March 2017 issue of Doody’s Collection Development Monthly. You can find the original review here.
DynaMed is an evidence-based clinical information resource from EBSCO. It contains overviews of a variety of topics, with summaries and recommendations that are reviewed by clinical experts on an editorial team. DynaMed gives recommended actions based on the most current evidence, and recommendations are based on levels of evidence as defined by the DynaMed editorial team. The database is intended for clinicians, physicians, and trainees including medical students and residents, health care organizations, and biotech and pharmaceutical companies.1 DynaMed is still updated every day to add and revise content.2
Features and Functionality
The most obvious change since the original review was published is the product name; as of August 2019, DynaMed Plus is once again called DynaMed. EBSCO announced that DynaMed moved to a cloud-based system to provide users with a more personalized experienced and to allow clinicians easy access to information through new features including browsing by specialty, recently viewed topics, and interest-specific updates.3 In addition to the general search bar, DynaMed’s homepage includes recent alerts. Users can toggle between followed topics or all topics. Search has been refined to include navigation within topics. Once a topic is opened from the search results, users can navigate to a section, and a new feature also allows users to quickly go to a subtopic within a section. Each topic contains a link to videos, images, and updates. Users can also enter a keyword to quickly locate where that keyword is used within the topic.
Business Model
DynaMed has retained its business model and is still available through institutional subscription where users have access to DynaMed on-site, remotely through a mobile device, or through an electronic health record. Individual subscriptions are also available for online and mobile access.
DynaMed remains the ultimate go-to resource for answering clinical questions. It features daily updates, self-contained and robust content including images and drug information, evidence-based levels of evidence, and one-click links to the primary literature.4 DynaMed is a valuable resource for physicians, residents, and medical students, as well as for healthcare organizations and biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
1. Ebsco. Who We Serve. 2022. https://www.ebsco.com/clinical-decisions/dynamed-solutions/who-we-serve Accessed March 2, 2023.
2. Ebsco Clinical Solutions. DynaMed – New Features. 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVfaIGajm6g Accessed March 2, 2023.
3. Ebsco. DynaMed® Announced the Next Generation of Clinical Decision Support. 2019.
https://www.ebsco.com/news-center/press-releases/dynamedr-announces-next-generation-clinical-decision-support Accessed March 2, 2023.
4. Ebsco. Benefits of DynaMed. 2022. https://www.ebsco.com/clinical-decisions/dynamed-solutions/dynamed/benefits Accessed March 2, 2023.
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