Editorial Review Group Chair: Elizabeth DeIuliis OTD, OTR/L
Editorial Review Group Chair
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Dr. Elizabeth DeIuliis has been the Editorial Review Group chair for Occupational Therapy since August 2021. Since then, Dr. DeIuliis’ group has reviewed 24 titles in the specialty.

Dr. DeIuliis is a clinical associate professor and program director in the department of occupational therapy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She earned degrees from Duquesne University and Chatham University and completed the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Academic Leadership Institute earning the credential of academic leader. Dr. DeIuliis has nearly 19 years of clinical experience as an occupational therapist with content expertise in adult physical disabilities and acute-care practice settings. Dr. DeIuliis has had various leadership roles within academia and the occupational therapy profession, such as serving on the board of directors within the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association and as a subject matter expert and volunteer within the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy. She is the co-chair of Duquesne University’s Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) committee, which focuses on advancing interprofessional education and practice in the university.

She has published several textbooks and numerous peer-reviewed publications, and has presented at state, national, and international conferences on topics related to fieldwork education, doctorate capstone, professionalism, interprofessional education, and teaching methodologies. Among her published works are The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone: A Framework for the Experience and Project,DeIuliis and Bednarski (Slack Incorporated, 2020) and Professionalism Across Occupational Therapy Practice,DeIuliis (Slack Incorporated, 2017), which have both been selected as Doody’s Core Titles over consecutive years. Some of her newest books include Fieldwork Educator’s Guide to Level I Fieldwork,Hanson and DeIuliis (Slack Incorporated, 2023) and Fieldwork Educator’s Guide to Level II Fieldwork,DeIuliis and Hanson (Slack Incorporated, 2023).

Dr. DeIuliis’s teaching, scholarship, and servant leadership have been recognized by Duquesne University’s Creative Teaching Award (2014), Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Teaching (2015), Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Academic Educator of the Year Award (2017), J. Warren Perry Award for Highest Quality Publication in Journal of Allied Health (2018), Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Service (2018), and Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Scholarship (2022). She was inducted as a Distinguished Practitioner Fellow of the National Academies of Practice for Occupational Therapy in 2023.

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