The most comprehensive resource available in clinical exercise physiology
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Clinical Exercise Physiology, Fifth Edition With HKPropel Access, investigates the effects of exercise on 24 conditions, covering the scope of each disease as well the pathophysiology, medications, clinical considerations, and exercise prescription issues. The text includes an in-depth exploration of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, intellectual disability, and depression. It also examines exercise prescription and training for four special populations. 

The text reflects the latest guidelines and position statements from esteemed organizations in the field, making it the ideal resource for candidates preparing for a variety of clinical exercise certifications. The fifth edition reviews macronutrient recommendations for individuals with diabetes, the impact of high-intensity interval training on individuals with cystic fibrosis, and new information about intermittent fasting. Major revisions to chapters on spinal cord injury, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis reflect the most up-to-date guidelines and position statements. Online learning tools delivered through HKPropel include more than 60 case studies, discussion questions, key term flash cards, and chapter quizzes. 

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