Publisher Profile: AOTA Press
Publisher Profile
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AOTA Press is the scholarly publishing arm of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), which represents the interests of nearly 215,000 occupational therapy professionals and students. Established in 1917, AOTA is the only national U.S. association dedicated to advancing the quality, availability, use, and support of occupational therapy through standard setting, advocacy, education, and research on behalf of its members and the public.  

The press publishes over 70 titles, including key works in autism, cognition, driving, fieldwork, management and leadership, older adults, research, sensory processing, school-based practice, vision, and more; the Occupational Therapy Practice Guideline series, which uses evidence-based perspective and provides tools for improving the quality of healthcare, enhancing consumer satisfaction, promoting appropriate use of services, and reducing costs; evidence-based and peer-reviewed assessments that span the life course; Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Processwhich summarizes the interrelated constructs that describe occupational therapy practice; and the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, AOTA’s research journal, with the highest impact factor of any occupational therapy journal, focusing on research, practice, education, and health care issues in the field of occupational therapy. 

AOTA Press became a publishing partner of Doody’s Review Service in 1999 and sent us books until 2003. After a lengthy hiatus, we again began getting AOTA Press books for review in 2019. The Doody’s Review Service database has information on 122 AOTA titles, and of those, we have received 23 and we have published reviews of 16. Two AOTA Press titles were selected for Doody’s Core Titles 2021, one of which was designated an Essential Purchase title. 

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