No Comments on Librarians and Publishers Collaborating to Improve the User Experience 101
Jerry Perry, MLS, AHIP, FMLA
University of Arizona
Past Chair, MLA InSight Task Force
John Gallagher, MLS
Yale University
Chair, MLA InSight Steering Committee
A version of this article first appeared in MLA Connect in August 2020 and is now posted on the MLA website. This version is presented here with the permission of the Medical Library Association.
MLA’s InSight Initiative is a thought-leadership initiative that engages health sciences librarians and information providers in high-level, high-value dialogue on issues that matter to both communities. It aims to reinforce, expand, and communicate the value that librarians and publishers contribute to the chain of moving information from the author to the reader.
The key outcomes of the InSight Initiative Summits result from publishers and librarians collaborating in small groups to produce tangible products related to each Summit’s theme. In Summits held in November 2019 and March 2020, three small groups collaborated on projects to improve their joint understanding of how users discover and access information resources. One small group developed a series of short, informational videos below, each on a critical aspect of user behavior. The MLA InSight Initiative team hopes that the videos will enable people working in many facets of the information industry to better serve their users.
- Clinical Library Resources – Educating End Users
- How Your Medical Library Gets You What You Need If They Don’t Have It
- Librarians & Publishers: An Essential Partnership
Feel free to circulate these videos and post them on your website. The InSight Steering Committee is currently planning a series of three Summits taking place from May of 2021 though early 2022. For additional details, please visit MLANET.
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