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Since our founding in 1993, Doody Enterprises’ mission has been to provide expert evaluation and authoritative information about publications of interest to health sciences librarians. We have focused most of our efforts in providing expert evaluations of nonperiodical publications.
Confronting the reality of the world order being turned upside down and inside out by the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to draw your attention to a few trusted sources that are curating important information for public health officials, relief workers, policymakers, health information providers, and interested citizens. And while there are many such trusted sources, in this issue of DCDM, we are featuring four of the most useful ones from our point of view.
Volunteer leaders and the staff of the Medical Library Association (MLA) have collaborated to assemble a list of especially useful resources from government, societies, the literature, clinical resources and guides, and other sources. This resource guide is especially well designed to allow readers to peruse it quickly to focus on the link(s) most relevant to them.
One of the societies whose members are at the forefront of providing policy, health recommendations and frontline care is the American Public Health Association. On this webpage, APHA assembles more than a dozen links outlining what it is doing, including fact sheets for relief workers and for the public, links to its news releases and a relevant, timely webinar, a link to a “don’t panic” YouTube video from Dr. Georges Benjamin, APHA’s Executive Director, and six key links to outside sources.
EBSCO has built a COVID-19 portal assembling relevant information from a variety of information sources that are already part of the EBSCO publishing platform. In addition, it has reached out to the health information community asking if other organizations have free information they would like to contribute to the portal. The portal is organized to draw attention to the most essential resources and updates.
The final resource we want to cite is Relief Central, a free App + Web offering from Unbound Medicine, which they developed to assist relief workers, healthcare providers, first responders, and others called to serve in disaster relief situations around the world. First launched in 2005 in the wake of the Indian Ocean tsunami, the knowledgeable staff of Unbound, along with other experts, has consistently updated Relief Central in the face of viral outbreaks like Ebola as well as natural disasters of significant proportion. Three weeks ago, Unbound launched a new channel on Relief Central devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The staff of Doody Enterprises, Inc. is busy collating a list of in-print books on topics that are related to the knowledge, information, and skills needed by the professionals who spend countless hours protecting us to the best of their ability from the spread of COVID-19. Once the list is fully curated and supported by additional information and hyperlinks, we will be publishing it on our platform and offering it to others, like EBSCO, who are eager to integrate useful free information from a wide variety of expert sources.
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