Moving Life Course Theory Into Action: Making Change Happen
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Now available as an eBook!

ISBN: 978-0-87553-295-0
Author: Edited by Sarah Verbiest, DrPH, MSW, MPH
Publishing Date:03/18

Over the past decade, practitioners in the field of maternal and child health have gained a general understanding of Life Course Theory and its potential application to practice. This book focuses on moving Life Course Theory into action, filling a need for practitioners across a variety of fields to maximize the opportunities this model offers.

Moving Life Course Theory Into Action is designed to fit into the busy lives of practitioners. With new ideas and strategies delivered in a compact handbook style format, each chapter includes key points that offer a quick summary of the main lessons. Topics range from a description of the theory and its equity and historic foundations to applications in housing, incarceration and home visiting along with methods for aligning communications, planning, policy, collaboration, evaluation, funding and leadership to support this new perspective.

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