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Over the course of the past year, we have received 112 unique titles in Cardiology from 18 different publishers, ranging from a pocket card to a multi-volume tome. Of those, 47 have been reviewed, with another 18 out for review at the time of newsletter publication. Prices of these references range from $4.95 to $399.00, with more than half priced in excess of $100.00, making the average cost $139.82. Interestingly, 29 titles (26%) are new editions of previously published books, while the balance (83, or 74%) are brand new publications. Doody’s Core Titles 2013 features 31 titles in Cardiology, from eight publishers. As expected, Elsevier dominates this list with 14 titles, while Lippincott Williams & Wilkins has nine titles. Of the six Essential Purchase titles in Cardiology, four are from Elsevier, including, of course, Braunwald’s Heart Disease.
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