Lynn Bostwick, MLS 
Liaison Librarian for Health Sciences 
The University of Texas at Austin 

MedicinesComplete is an online platform that started in 2004 and is a product of Pharmaceutical Press, the publishing division of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. It currently lists 26 publications and tools available for subscription that are on or related to pharmaceutics that are also applicable to nursing and nutritional sciences. Of those 26, this review will cover three: Pharmaceutical Excipients, Pediatric Injectable Drugs, and Dietary Supplements.  


Pharmaceutical Excipients 

Pharmaceutical Excipients is based heavily on the Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, which will be referred to hereafter as the Handbook. This review considers the 9th edition that was co-published in 2020 by Pharmaceutical Press and the American … read more

Megan Inman, MLIS 
Collection Development Librarian 
Laupus Health Sciences Library 
East Carolina University 

Editor’s note: This month, we are celebrating Megan Inman, who joined the Doody’s Library Board of Advisors in 2024.     

Where do you currently work and what is your position? 

Currently, I am the Collection Development Librarian at East Carolina University’s William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library. 

Provide a brief description of your library and its services. 

William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library is one of three libraries at East Carolina University. The health sciences library primarily serves the health sciences campus with over 4,000 students. Our library supports multiple programs including our medical … read more

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This robust digital resource provides the latest information on infectious disease developments, state-of-the art prevention, and the diagnosis and management of more than 200 childhood infectious diseases.  

Key features 

  • New! Includes 33rd Edition of Red Book® 
  • New! Interactive algorithms for Syphilis, RSV, Hepatitis B, Tetanus, and Zika providing the latest diagnosis and treatment guidelines, based on the trusted Red Book algorithms.  
  • New Webinar Series: Respiratory Virus Season 2024-2025 covering COVID-19 Vaccine Update and RSV Immunization Update.  
  • Visual Library: More than 2,700 infectious disease images for use in diagnosis and teaching, including clinical manifestations, disease vectors, and etiology. 
  • Plus, more… 

Visit for more information. 

For more information: read more

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More than 50% of Americans live with multiple chronic conditions—that figure doubles with advancing age groups. Healthcare professionals must have EBM resources available to help address this challenge. 
Introducing our NEW Comorbidities Manager—a unique and innovative tool in BMJ Best Practice that enhances patient care. It is the only point-of-care tool that supports the management of both single conditions and patients with complex comorbidities. We empower healthcare professionals to treat the whole patient effectively. 
Watch our 2-minute overview video to learn more! 

For more information: read more

This is an update of a Publisher Profile we published in 2014. You can read the original profile here. 

Jones & Bartlett Learning has been a long-time participating publisher with Doody’s, going back to 1994. In those 30 years, they’ve sent many books, covering various topics including nursing, … read more

Since our last Dentistry profile in 2019, we’ve received 244 titles in dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Our current Editorial Chair for these disciplines, Dr. Joseph Doctora, helped usher in oral and maxillofacial surgery as its own Doody’s specialty … read more

Binita Satpathy, DDS 
General Dentist 
Nashville, TN 

Dr. Binita Satpathy has been a Doody’s reviewer since 2021. Since then, Dr. Satpathy has reviewed 15 dentistry and oral & maxillofacial surgery titles under Editorial Review Group Chair Dr. Joseph Doctora

Dr. Satpathy is a … read more

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